There are less than two weeks left for nominations for your countryside heroes for the newly launched Schöffel Countryside Awards.
In partnership with the GWCT – the awards recognises private land managers who are improving the health of the British countryside and delivering for nature.
The organisers suggest that at a moment in time when the need to produce food and deliver biodiversity recovery has never been more crucial, these awards will shine a light on the finest examples of ‘working conservation’ and progressive land management across the UK.
Dozens of entries have been received across the six categories and the judging panel is still hoping for many more. In particular, it wants nominations for the Farm-Environment Partnership Award, which recognises farms that have formed successful partnerships with others and the Working Conservationist Award, highlighting an individual who has dedicated much of their life to the conservation of flora and fauna in the British countryside.
Once the 31 March deadline has passed, the panel of judges will assess the entries and draw up a shortlist for each category. The winners will be presented with their awards at a ceremony in London on Monday 3 November.
Megan Lock, farmland biodiversity advisor for GWCT, said: “72% of the UK is made up of farmland, the key to increasing biodiversity and reversing the decline in nature is held by those who look after this land.
“The Schöffel Countryside Awards are a chance to celebrate and showcase the fantastic work that these people – our ‘working conservationists’ – carry out up and down the country every day.”
The nomination window will close on 31 March, to nominate someone click here: Schöffel Countryside Awards