MagicTrap network to provide real-time CSFB data

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A nationwide network of digital yellow water traps is set to provide vital information on cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) migration in the coming weeks, helping inform decisions around management of the pest.

Set up by United Oilseeds with support from Bayer, the network of 20 on-farm MagicTrap digital traps extends throughout the UK.

CSFB monitoring is an important step forward as it can help growers better understand current pressure, providing an opportunity for drilling dates to be adjusted to avoid pest migration peaks, says United Oilseeds’ Paul Browning.

“We live in a world where data is becoming more and more important and having live data on flea beetle migration not only puts us in a better position when it comes to decision-making on-farm but could also help support future decisions around potential new products and technologies for CSFB control,” he adds.

Trap data will be shared across the MagicTrap network and wider United Oilseeds membership, providing a national picture of oilseed rape pest pressure and distribution.

“We will be encouraging more of our growers to join the network to even better improve its effectiveness,” says Mr Browning.

Grower experience

Shropshire farmer Mark Davies is one of the first growers to sign up to the United Oilseeds MagicTrap network.

Mr Davies grows 100 hectares of oilseed rape near Newport on the Shropshire/Staffordshire border. The crop is set to remain firmly in the farm’s rotation but with CSFB becoming an increasing problem he is keen to find ways of mitigating the threat posed by the pest and sees MagicTrap as a potentially useful tool, alongside post-harvest shallow cultivations.

He will be placing five traps around the farm this summer and is hopeful they will provide useful information on CSFB pressure, helping him fine tune his oilseed rape drilling date plans to ensure his crop gets away to the best possible start.

“It is just a matter of keeping oilseed rape in the rotation. Last year we drilled between 15th and 22nd August and that seemed to work well, but there was plenty of moisture then. Hopefully, with the network we will be able to see what is happening in MagicTraps around the country and on the farm and we’ll make our decision from there,” says Mr Davies.


Real-time CSFB monitoring

Launched this summer, MagicTrap uses a high-resolution camera and artificial intelligence (AI) image recognition to detect, categorise and quantify a range of insects twice a day and automatically sends the data to the MagicScout smartphone app.

Proven to accurately detect flea beetle, weevil and pollen beetle in oilseed rape, MagicTrap provides fully automated, continuously updated information on pest pressure, ensuring growers never miss a pest migration event.

Bayer digital manager Max Dafforn says: “We are pleased to support United Oilseeds in setting up a MagicTrap network with their members. There is no single solution to the CSFB threat, but MagicTrap will provide an exciting new additional tool for growers on-farm, as well as adding to a wider understanding of the pest.”

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