United Oilseeds to head rapeseed ‘reboot’

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The damage done by CSFB following the loss of neonicotinoids is clear from data released by United Oilseeds

Average OSR yields in the UK have dropped 10%, or 0.36t/ha during the most recent 5-year period when compared to the previous 5-year average. The UK has been the single worst performing country in terms of average yields when compared to all EU27 Member States.

In 2012 the UK harvested over 700,000 hectares of oilseed rape, a bumper crop that has been in decline ever since. In 2010, the UK was the 5th biggest exporter of OSR in the world. A decade on and the UK is now a large importer. The move from exporter to importer will cost a massive £1 billion to the UK economy

United Oilseeds believes OSR needs a ‘reboot’ and is looking to put together a consortium/advocacy group with the purpose of helping UK farmers maintain the ability to grow a stable, profitable OSR crop.

It has engaged an independent 3rd party consultant to lead and chair. The intention of this group will be multi-faceted, working in areas such as measuring & monitoring, agronomy, IPM, chemistry, genetics, policy & advocacy.

Below are just some of the things that United Oilseeds will be helping support;

  • A campaign to ask growers to consider doing post-harvest cultivation on rapeseed fields. Work by Colin Peters of NIAB has revealed shallow but thorough cultivation immediately after rape harvest can reduce CSFB adult emergence from the soil by between 50-90%
  • A marketing partnership with Bayer for the rollout of its MagicTrap. This is a water trap with AI camera technology that can identify pest pressure (CSFB, Weevil, Pollen Beetle) and feedback real-time information. An important step forward as it can help our growers be informed about the current situation and potentially adapt drilling dates accordingly
  • Seed breeder, NPZ (formerly LSPB), has been researching drilling dates. It suggests that drilling at the right time based on the conditions, rather than by calendar date, is now the best strategy for growers to follow given the changing climate and the pest pressure
  • A funding program to support further research into increasing the effectiveness of some existing plant protection products
  • United Oilseeds will continue to support the ADAS run, Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) for Oilseeds.  Also, it will continue to contribute to the research community. The organisation has recently liaised with John Innes Centre who are working on some mRNAi research
  • The consortium/advocacy group will also be important from a policy point of view. A collaborative voice that will advocate the importance of OSR for British farmers, the UK economy and food security
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