12 September 2023 Match funding and advice available for cover crops Match funding and free advice is being offered to those drilling cover crops across the…
12 September 2023 Vitalroot Vitality Challenge trial offer To help demonstrate the value of the biostimulant Vitalroot in improving crop health and yields,…
8 September 2023 Emergency approval for Spotlight Plus EAMU Application for the use of Spotlight Plus® as a desiccant on linseed seed crops…
6 September 2023 Maize breeder optimistic for seed treatment Following a successful lobbying campaign, maize breeder Limagrain UK is optimistic that treated maize seed…
30 August 2023 Slug Sleuths employed as part of BOFIN’s SLIMERS project The British On-Farm Innovation Network (BOFIN) has launched its SLIMERS (Strategies Leading to Improved Management…
29 August 2023 Amistar Top strategy to protect crop yield and quality The onset of heavy morning dews will seriously increase the risk of ringspot and White…
23 August 2023 Manage the green bridge to reduce BYDV threat this autumn With the potential for a higher risk of BYDV infection this autumn, managing the ‘green…
21 August 2023 Advice to tackle potato blight outbreaks following the wettest July since 2009 Outbreaks of late blight are springing up in potato crops across the country following an…
10 August 2023 Premium Crops EAMU application for Lambdastar® gains CRD approval Premium Crops have announced that the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the Health and Safety…
7 August 2023 Improved OSR resistance Genetic improvements to OSR varieties bring improved resistance to phoma, light lead spot and verticillium.…