BASF reaches major milestone in the global development of its new fungicide Revysol
BASF has submitted the regulatory dossier for a new active ingredient, Revysol, to the European…
BASF has submitted the regulatory dossier for a new active ingredient, Revysol, to the European…
Don’t lose sight of T0 timing is the warning with plentiful yellow rust this season.…
With this winter’s exceptionally mild conditions allowing insect populations to escalate unchecked, oilseed rape growers…
As farmers start to get back out onto their fields for spring spraying it’s important…
BASF now projects its crop protection pipeline to achieve peak sales of 3 billion for…
As part of its regular portfolio review, BASF is refocusing its plant biotechnology research portfolio…
With a large percentage of over-wintered wheat crops looking extremely advanced, many agronomists are advising…
A new cereal disease guide, which outlines the fungicide options available for the effective management…
Ramularia resistance ratings for winter barley varieties have been published for the first time by…
With the winter’s exceptionally mild conditions continuing to dominate UK weather patterns, pea and bean…