28 December 2015 Don’t quite shut the gate yet there are potentially five more weeks to apply Kerb or ASTROKerb With the warm, wet and windy autumn so far, growers have been struggling to find…
16 December 2015 Statement on SDHI fungicides and resistance risk in cereals issued by FRAG-UK Following reports of laboratory and field isolates of septoria tritici with reduced sensitivities to SDHI…
24 November 2015 VI Chairman trades in grandfather rights Richard Butler, Chairman of the Voluntary Initiative, has undertaken the training to become a certificated…
24 November 2015 Giving up Grandfather Rights Scottish farmers and crofters are being reminded that from Thursday (26 November) significant changes to…
21 November 2015 Don’t delay twin OSR hit Growers are being warned that delaying light leaf spot (LLS) sprays until soil temperatures fall…
13 November 2015 CPA respnds to EFSA peer review of glyphosate The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published their peer review of the active ingredient…
12 November 2015 Glyphosate: EFSA updates toxicological profile EFSA and the EU Member States have finalised the re-assessment of glyphosate, a chemical that…
12 November 2015 NFU welcomes court decision to stop legal challenge on neonics authorisation The NFU is pleased that the High Court has cut short Friends of the Earth’s…
11 November 2015 FUW reminds members of pesticide use change The Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding farmers that after Thursday November 26, those using…
10 November 2015 Time’s up for Grandfather Rights From November 26th this year anyone applying a pesticide authorised for professional use will need…