Gout Fly threat to tillers

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Growers are being advised to do all they can to promote tillering following a severe outbreak of Gout Fly.

Agronomist Todd Jex considers the numbers as ‘exceptional’ in his region of Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset. With few options open to growers, he fears significant tiller damage and thinned out crops.

He advises growers consider rolling and pay particular attention to nitrogen and phosphorus availability as late drilled wheats won’t have developed roots system and the frost has lifted roots up to the surface. “Cold winds have seriously damaged some crops. It will be important to improve plant anchorage and stimulate tiller production.”

The outbreak appears pretty widespread with Ceres Rural agronomist Peter Wilson. He is seeing plenty in East Anglia, especially in early sown winter barley.

Crop Management Partners agronomist Luke Bullock is also seeing significant numbers. “There are few Wheat fields I can enter without seeing characteristic swollen stems this year,” he says.

He notes, Gout larvae are confined to destroying one tiller, unlike Frit Fly, meaning that where tillers are maintained the damage shouldn’t be severe.

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