Survey highlights the importance of safeguarding beneficials as a key pest control strategy
A recent survey, which shows that two-thirds of oilseed rape growers in the UK aren’t…
A recent survey, which shows that two-thirds of oilseed rape growers in the UK aren’t…
A round table discussion concluded that the agricultural industry needs to change, as some of…
Naturally Derived Fungicide Provides Cereal Farmers with First Unique Target Site for Septoria in 15…
Pre-emergence herbicides will need to feature more prominently in sugar beet weed control programmes in…
Kuhn has launched an advanced version of its top-of-the-range orchard sprayer, offering fruit growers improved…
A few years ago, it seemed that IPM strategies had solved mite problems in orchards…
With the final use-up date for chlorothalonil rapidly approaching, arable growers in the UK will…
A consortium of researchers from the University of Exeter, led by Professor Gero Steinberg, combined their…
Field conditions are improving in many parts of the country with longer, warmer days giving…
As late drilled winter wheat crops pick up with warmer weather, plants could hit early…