22 October 2018 Fungicide approval provides more choice for OSR growers This autumn, growers of oilseed rape will have the option of a new fungicide for…
22 October 2018 Don’t forget your grain this winter With grain losses due to pest damage costing up to £50/metric tonne farmers are being…
22 October 2018 Additive value of new biostimulant shown in latest trial results The additive value of a dual action biostimulant by Arysta LifeScience has been confirmed through…
22 October 2018 Changes to phosphate offtake values could be justified A lowering of RB209 phosphate offtake values for cereals could be justified, according to results…
21 October 2018 On your marks, get set… go with Kerb or ASTROKerb After the 1st of October, theoretically you can start applications of propyzamide (such as Kerb Flo…
21 October 2018 Warm weather raises BYDV threat to high Recent mild weather is resulting in reports of large flights of aphids which are rapidly…
11 October 2018 BYDV risk research for cereals funded Virus-spreading aphids and the risk they pose to winter cereal crops are the subjects of…
11 October 2018 Wheat bulb fly pressure stays low in 2018 It is one of the lowest-risk years for wheat bulb fly (WBF) since monitoring began,…
11 October 2018 New app that uses drone to make walking fields a thing of the past. DroneAG has launched a first-of-its-kind app that scouts fields for you, in less time and…
8 October 2018 Go back to basics to improve fertiliser efficiency With 40% of fertiliser lost to leaching and volatilisation, growers are being urged to improve…