20 March 2018 Fungicide Zoxis® re-registered in UK with additional uses Zoxis®, a broad-spectrum fungicide from Arysta LifeScience, has been successfully re-registered for use in the…
19 March 2018 Maximise herbicide activity in black-grass control This season’s long cold spells have meant that pre-ems have continued working well to control…
14 March 2018 New tool for powdery mildew control Powdery mildew is notorious for impacting yield and fruit quality, and with limited control options…
13 March 2018 Norfolk event examines the ‘agronomist of the future’ From tighter environmental regulations to weather extremes and changing disease threats, there are a host…
13 March 2018 Crop disease researcher Juan Carlos heads for Parliament A John Innes Centre PhD student is to visit the Houses of Parliament to explain the science…
12 March 2018 Farmers wanted for worm count Are there 100 volunteer farmers with 60 minutes on their hands to survey their fields…
8 March 2018 Red 24 now established in the UK wheat yellow rust population The Red 24 group of isolates is now established in the UK wheat yellow rust…
6 March 2018 Court of Appeal rules for the first time on protection over field monitoring data for agrochemical companies A Court of Appeal decision (27 February) will give agrochemical companies greater protection in relation…
5 March 2018 New regional technical specialist for Certis Farmers and agronomists from Cornwall to Lancashire are set to benefit from the expertise and…
5 March 2018 Use spring barley as a break crop In recent years, many farmers have moved away from a predominantly autumn based cropping plan…