19 June 2017 Phytobac partnership deal brings easier access for UK growers to innovative technology Bayer’s innovative Phytobac system which helps manage spray residues safely and effectively will be easier…
16 June 2017 Zypar breaks new ground in broad-leaved weed battle A new herbicide with a wide application window and broad spectrum of weed control in…
16 June 2017 Beneficial fungicide ‘side effects’ could be root to better crop health Wheat growers have a new opportunity to boost crop health from germination onwards by making…
15 June 2017 Rodenticide stewardship confusion It’s been reported that there’s confusion from farmers as to whether they need to attend…
15 June 2017 Farmers and growers urged to join campaign to save seed treatments Farmers and growers are being urged to explain the vital role neonicotinoids play on farm…
13 June 2017 TuYV survey suggests yield under threat Oilseed rape yields could be impacted this season as levels of TuYV infection are confirmed…
12 June 2017 Stop Chocolate spots for clean beans Chocolate spot can now be found at low levels in most field bean crops, and…
12 June 2017 Survey to sense check status of UK arable brome weeds Farmers and agronomists are being asked to complete an online survey to help map the…
12 June 2017 Biopesticide awareness needed for growers A lack of knowledge about biopesticides is leading to inefficient application by growers and reducing…
7 June 2017 Farmers invited to take part in survey to help tackle arable weed problem BASF is inviting farmers to take part in a national weed control survey to track…