2 June 2017 Busting myths on disease pressure With T2 sprays complete for many, and only late drilled crops left to go, what…
2 June 2017 Pest and disease warning from PGRO The PGRO has come up with some timely warnings about possible imminent threats to growers…
1 June 2017 A cautionary tale of broad leaved weed resistance Most UK cereal growers with blackgrass know only too well that herbicide resistance in this…
1 June 2017 Benchmarking and ‘big data’ could be increasingly important for arable margins Benchmarking of crop performance plus use of big data to identify farming practices that deliver…
31 May 2017 Nitrogen fixation research could shed light on biological mystery Inspired by a natural process found in certain bacteria, a team of Caltech researchers is…
30 May 2017 Seed treatment protection for farmers in Ireland A seed treatment that creates a ‘zone of protection’ against two common cereal pests is…
30 May 2017 Copa, Cogeca urge MEPs to approve fertiliser plan Copa & Cogeca have urged MEPs to approve the draft opinions by MEPs Jan Huitema…
26 May 2017 Bayer hosts Young Innovators Forum at local research farm Twenty early-career researchers, agronomists and farmers have visited Bayer’s Chishill Research Farm as part of…
24 May 2017 Download the new RB209 today The new AHDB Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) is now available to download as app and…
23 May 2017 Syngenta launches new seed treatment fungicide Syngenta has announced the launch of Plensaris seed treatment fungicide for the control of downy…