21 March 2017 New plant research solves a colourful mystery Research led by scientists at the John Innes Centre has solved a long-standing mystery by…
21 March 2017 Survey shows wheat growers massively in favour of early disease prevention UK wheat growers are now massively in favour of preventing disease gaining a foothold early…
17 March 2017 Flower-rich habitats increase survival of bumblebee families New research led by the UK’s Centre for Ecology & Hydrology has revealed for the…
16 March 2017 So far, so good…and spotlight on rodenticide use is here to stay Any notion that the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime might be a toothless tiger is dispelled…
16 March 2017 Two new herbicides for grassland farmers Dow AgroSciences has today (16 March, 2017) launched two new grassland herbicides for farmers to…
15 March 2017 Yellow rust survey marks 50 golden years of research at NIAB A national research project that actively seeks out and advises on changes in cereal disease…
14 March 2017 JIC and TSL applaud a European success story At the turn of the century, the idea of a European research programme that would…
14 March 2017 Pick up A Polaris Ranger…. for free Pick the best Septoria fungicide this spring and you could win a free Polaris Ranger…
10 March 2017 Data farming provides new insights on soil fertility Scientists from the British Geological Survey and NRM Laboratories have found a novel way of…
8 March 2017 Is it still worth applying Atlantis? Ben Giles of Atlantis explains that even though Atlantis doesn’t provide the same level of…