Miscanthus farm walk discusses ‘future proofing’ and SFI payments
More farmers are reaping long-term incomes and numerous environmental benefits from growing the perennial energy…
More farmers are reaping long-term incomes and numerous environmental benefits from growing the perennial energy…
Bucking the recent negative trends of sliding Hagbergs and low specific weights for milling wheats,…
Following a successful lobbying campaign, maize breeder Limagrain UK is optimistic that treated maize seed…
The British On-Farm Innovation Network (BOFIN) has launched its SLIMERS (Strategies Leading to Improved Management…
The onset of heavy morning dews will seriously increase the risk of ringspot and White…
With soil moisture levels high this summer, arable growers must use good quality slug pellets,…
Now firmly established on the AHDB recommended list (RL) as one of the leading 2-row…
With the potential for a higher risk of BYDV infection this autumn, managing the ‘green…
Outbreaks of late blight are springing up in potato crops across the country following an…
Rodent damage to machinery is often not covered by insurance and can be hugely costly…