7 September 2020 Accuracy essential for effective slug control As part of its ongoing commitment to promoting the responsible use of crop protection chemicals…
6 August 2020 Survey seeks super rats Resistant ‘super rats’ are breeding in the UK and more information is needed to reduce…
14 July 2020 Weather is perfect breeding ground for pests “Field operations have slowed, so what better time than now to step into the grain…
11 June 2020 Trials highlight two critical CSFB management success factors Two years of Essex farm trials on difficult heavy ground under intense cabbage stem flea…
8 June 2020 New ferric phosphate molluscicide launched Adama has today announced the launch of a new ferric phosphate-based professional molluscicide aimed specifically…
13 May 2020 Two biological solutions in soft fruit from BASF Nemaslug is a microscopic beneficial nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita for the control of a wide range…
29 April 2020 Pyrethroid-free carrot fly control As carrot root fly begins to emerge for the season, Agrovista agronomist Ashley Cooley hopes…
7 April 2020 Spring cereals emerge to BYDV threat This season’s vast area of spring sown cereals face emerging to an almost instant intense…
7 April 2020 Survey highlights the importance of safeguarding beneficials as a key pest control strategy A recent survey, which shows that two-thirds of oilseed rape growers in the UK aren’t…
31 March 2020 New acaricides to tackle return of mite problem to orchards A few years ago, it seemed that IPM strategies had solved mite problems in orchards…