Soil health solutions can cut synthetic fertiliser reliance

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Farmers are being encouraged to incorporate soil conditioners and biostimulants as part of a strategic approach to sustainably cut on-farm emissions.

David Newton, soil health specialist and Timac Agro UK technical product manager suggests these soil-enhancing solutions offer more than just productivity gains proven to be favourable for reducing reliance on synthetic fertilisers, supporting soil health, and enhancing nutrient efficiency for the future of sustainable agriculture, reducing emissions at a farm level

“By promoting soil health and enhancing nutrient cycling, these solutions can provide a practical pathway for reducing greenhouse gases,” he says. “Biostimulants and soil conditioners improve soil structure and support microbial activity, which aids in nutrient mineralisation – a process that converts organic matter into nutrients plants can easily absorb.”

Mr Newton says trials with Humistart+, a calcium-based soil conditioner, have confirmed it helps optimise fungal and bacterial activity in all crop types. “Its marine calcium base provides neutralising effects for acidic soils, and boosts rooting and nutrient availability for both crops and livestock.

“While further trials observing nitrogen mineralisation in the soil for 28 days post-application, show a 38% increase in total nitrogen available at a rate of 240kg/acre compared to a control soil conditioner.”

A Wiltshire dairy farm using these solutions achieved a 14-tonne reduction in artificial fertiliser usage between two seasons and observed improvements in silage quality.

Mr Newton adds: “The results highlight the huge potential of soil conditioners and biostimulants as a scalable solution for farms of all sizes looking to lower emissions from artificial inputs.

“As soil health remains central to sustainable farming, soil conditioners like Humistart+ will help farms remain resilient, productive, and environmentally aligned.”



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