Independent trials are demonstrating the clear benefits and significant return on investment of applying a new biological seed treatment in both cereal and bean crops, with calls to make applications now for best results in all cereal seed.
Manufactured in the UK by bio-technology company AminoA, and fully approved for use in organics, AminoA STAART should now be applied to all cereal seed at a rate of 3 litres/tonne, either alone, or in combination with other seed dressings.
Launched in November 2020, AminoA STAART has been independently trialled across various crops including spring barley, winter wheat and spring beans.
“This year’s trials demonstrate an impressive return on investment (ROI) of over 10-1 and translate our overwinter growth chamber trials at NIAB Cambridge, which saw a 14% increase in root mass but only a 4% increase in shoot mass (by DM) in winter wheat, into yield data,” explains AminoA managing director Richard Phillips.
AminoA STAART combines a broad spectrum of amino acids, natural phytohormones, fulvic and humic acids, supported by a balanced nutrition pack. Combined, this helps stimulate continuous root development which increases the plants’ ability to uptake nutrients, ultimately increasing yields and improving profits.
Increased root growth and structure also maximises early crop vigour and increases the plants resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.
Scottish Agronomy Trial 2021
Treated Laureate spring barley trials conducted by Scottish Agronomy in Fife, saw treated replicated plots average 10.02 t/ha from a seed treatment alone.
“Individual plots yielded over 10.45 t/ha which was the world spring barley record yield in 2014!” adds Mr Phillips.
“Not only does AminoA STAART increase the crop yield, but it also increases your ROI. Recent trials have shown the STAART seed treatment programme costs £8/ha for a return of approximately £100,” he adds.

PGRO beans trials
Andy Cheetham, agronomist at Ceres Agri Services, has used AminoA STAART on his 2021 spring barley crop and found, despite a sand-based soil, the treatment has produced strong results on the 2021 crop.
Prior to treatment in 2020, the crop growth in his malted spring barley was patchy, as the soil is extremely sandy. After treatment with AminoA STAART, 2021’s crop has produced a much improved, all over growth rate.
Spring Beans
After the removal of approval for fungicidal seed treatments in June this year, AminoA STAART is the only available seed treatment in the UK for beans.
Results from PGRO trials in Stubton with spring field beans (Vicia faba) variety Lynx, at a dose rate of 5 litres/tonne, show a combination of AminoA STAART and AminoA FLO, the concentrated natural bio-stimulant and nutrient source, demonstrated a significant impact on yield over the untreated control.
“Mean yield was 4.80 t/ha at 15% moisture on the trial using AminoA STAART and FLO in combination, against the untreated yield of 3.90 t/ha. When Sigma fungicide was used at T3 yields further increased to 5.3 t/ha” says Mr Phillips.
“The combination also displayed significantly lower chocolate spot infection compared to the untreated control, demonstrating a suppressive effect on foliar disease,” he adds.
Like other products within the AminoA range, STAART is suitable for use with all crops. Visit for details.