Maize seed treatment reprieve confirmed
Emergency Authorisations have been granted for three key seed treatments after a concerted lobbying campaign.…
Emergency Authorisations have been granted for three key seed treatments after a concerted lobbying campaign.…
Supporting plants with nutritional biostimulants during the peak phosphorus demand period has benefitted Russell McKenzie,…
Maize under-sowing trials at Severn Trent Water’s 2,000ha biogas farm in Nottinghamshire have achieved 50t/ha…
The next Biomass Connect demo event is open for registration. In association with Terravesta, Biomass…
Farmers keen to hear first-hand about the benefits of growing Miscanthus are invited to attend…
A farm walk in Lincolnshire will take place next month to introduce interested farmers to…
A new £4.8M project funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)…
A Norfolk arable farmer is using Miscanthus to square off awkwardly shaped fields, in a…
More than 60 maize growers and contractors from across the northwest had an insight into…
Nine new varieties have been added to the British Society of Plant Breeder’s 2023 Forage Maize Descriptive Lists (DL),…