3 June 2019 Corteva completes global separation from DowDuPont Corteva,has successfully completed its separation from DowDuPont, becoming a leading, global pure-play agriculture company that…
3 June 2019 Varieties to shine during summer of AHDB events Twelve regional Arable Connections events this summer offer growers the opportunity to view the latest…
28 May 2019 Control high biomass, competitive weeds in uncompetitive maize The area of maize continues to rise. When Dow Shield (clopyralid) was first registered in…
23 May 2019 Growers get a chance to win a place on an innovation tour to Agritechnica After the successful innovation tour to New Zealand in 2018, BASF is offering growers using…
20 May 2019 Don’t neglect late season fungicide programmes and timings Even in times of low disease pressure late season fungicide programmes need to be well…
13 May 2019 Ground breaking oilseed rape herbicide Belkar set for Cereals launch Growers visiting Cereals in June will get their first chance to explore the full potential…
13 May 2019 Break bruchid egg laying cycle Bean growers have a better chance to control bruchid beetle this season, but may need…
7 May 2019 Septoria Threat As Showers Strike After three and a half months with below average rainfall you wouldn’t think winter wheat…
3 May 2019 Make the most of Initium (ametoctradrin) The blight fungicide Percos (ametoctradin and dimethomorph) from BASF offers two unique benefits to potato…
30 April 2019 Higher virus reservoir raises need to protect seed crops Forecasts of an early aphid flight following the mild winter and an increase in reservoir…