After three seasons of assessments, the UK Flour Millers Varieties Working Group (VWG), has assigned KWS Vibe the industry-recognised UFKM group 1 rating.
UK Flour Millers head of technical and regulatory affairs, Joe Brennan says: “Group 1 winter varieties are the backbone of UK milling wheat demand and are defined by good breadmaking quality that is stable across seasons. Our assessments have found that KWS Vibe fully meets these essential criteria. Over the three years of testing, it has showed high protein and a strong, consistent breadmaking quality.”
This variety follows hot on the heels of SY Cheer, its Group 1 rating was confirmed in September 2024. For millers, the change in pace is welcome, as prior to this no new Group 1 winter wheats had joined the RL since KWS Zyatt in 2017.
“In recent years we’ve seen the popularity of Group 1 wheats decline significantly, with projections for 2025 indicating this trend will continue. This has contributed to a deficit in supply of homegrown breadmaking wheat, with millers having to use more imported wheat to meet the steady demand for our flour. We hope new Group 1 varieties can help reverse this trend and expect that KWS Vibe will appeal to farmers given its strong agronomic package,” he adds.