8 August 2019 AIC re-issues Erucic Acid Code of Practice in certified seed for oilseed rape The Agricultural Industries Confederation has re-issued the Voluntary Code of Practice for testing for erucic…
6 August 2019 Connecting agri-tech to boost farmers’ productivity “Farmers want machinery to do the job, they don’t really care about how the systems…
6 August 2019 ‘Wide window wheats’ offer response to latest agronomic threats Choosing winter wheat varieties with wide drilling windows will become a key starting point to…
5 August 2019 Trials target higher yielding robot-ready orchards A ground-breaking trial examining ways to improve the planting design and canopy management of apple…
5 August 2019 BASF adds another product to its grape portfolio Grape growers will have another BASF fungicide to use this season as Vivando (metrafenone) has…
5 August 2019 Now’s the time to take a break Improving weed control and bolstering home grown feed supplies make sowing a high feed value…
1 August 2019 Farmers move to improve pre-em applications A quarter of UK farmers have made changes to their spraying operations to get better…
29 July 2019 Welsh experience of drilling OSR in early October Mitigating establishment risks for winter oilseed rape will be at the forefront of growers’ minds…
29 July 2019 Top tips for drilling a successful oilseed rape crop Farmers preparing to plant oilseed rape in August and September are being advised to follow…
23 July 2019 Pre-emergence rates up ryegrass control Investing more in the pre-emergence herbicide programme is key to controlling ryegrass and preventing problems…