Agri-machinery manufacturer Lemken has produced the Steketee EC-Ridger, to help farmers keep their ridge crops free from weeds while reducing their chemical-usage.
The Steketee EC-Ridger is designed for a row width of 75cm and works in three stages: Hoeing discs cut the weeds on the top and sides of a ridge; spring tines loosen the spaces between ridges; and ridging bodies restore the ridge to its desired shape.
The EC-Ridger implement is available now, from Lemken dealers, in three model variants.
The EC-Ridger 5
The ‘5’ model is the most simple of the Steketee ridger implements, it has lightweight and basic elements for removing weeds from the tops and sides of ridges. It can be front or rear-mounted and is most suitable for use in light soils with smaller crops that require little ridging.
The EC-Ridger 7
The ‘7’ is a rear-mounted ridger model that features the TRS hoeing element, making it particularly well suited for work in difficult conditions.
A leaf guard can be added to this implement, to prevent crops from being buried when the ridger hoes the sides and rebuilds the ridges; the ridging bodies can be replaced by ridging discs for light soil use, while a subsoiler can be added for more difficult conditions.
The EC-Ridger 9
The ‘9’ is also a rear mounted implement, but it includes a range of tool modules that can adapt the model to the changing conditions and various growth stages of a crop.
A module with hoeing blades and hoeing discs hoes ridges and works between them – depth control wheels ensure precise working depths are maintained. Further tools include spring tines, riding discs and ridging shares, plus an optional subsoiler; all of which can be changed quickly and easily with the quick-change system.

The Steketee EC-Ridger 9’s quick-change system