11 December 2019 Vaderstad launch 6m NZ mounted option Väderstad has launched a new 6m NZ Mounted harrow cultivator with reinforced frame and a…
11 December 2019 New e-control portal for increased user experience Väderstad has launched a new integrated portal for making updated instruction manuals and QuickStart movies…
11 December 2019 Vaderstad launch new deeploosening marathon point The new subsoiling DeepLoosening Marathon point from Vaderstad gives TopDown and Opus cultivators a breaking…
4 December 2019 Contractor 19 – Cancelled It is with deep regret that the NAAC has had to make the difficult decision…
4 December 2019 Special edition Fastracs celebrate JCB world speed record Farmers and contractors around the World have a rare opportunity to share in the success…
4 December 2019 Continental launch new agricultural tyre app at LAMMA Continental has launched ‘Agriculture TyreTech’, a new mobile app to help farmers use tyres more…
2 December 2019 Precision drives efficiencies at the Midlands Machinery Show Precision agriculture and connectivity were hot topics at the Midlands Machinery Show last week, with…
2 December 2019 Scotts precision manufacturing to celebrate best of British at LAMMA 2020 A Union Jack branded six-bed Trinity Topper is to take centre stage on Scotts Precision…
29 November 2019 Sulky UK to launch multi-hopper Progress drill at LAMMA 2020 Sulky UK will launch its Progress seed drill to UK farmers at LAMMA 2020. The…
29 November 2019 Precision farming connectivity now easier than ever before with Omnia One of the main sticking points with precision farming has always been moving data from…