Vicon updates baler range

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The 2024 Vicon round baler range has received a series of upgrades, including Tractor Implement Management (TIM), moisture sensing and film-on-film bale wrapping.

TIM is available on FixBale 500 fixed chamber and RV5200 Plus variable chamber balers as an Isobus licence. This enables the baler to control certain tractor functions, including deceleration to pause baling and apply net, along with tailgate controls.

An integrated inclinometer prevents the baler from ejecting a bale on steeper slopes. To further increase safety, the system needs acknowledgement from the operator before it continues baling and has pre-programmed rates of acceleration to meet the desired forward speed.

The FixBale 500 can also be specified with film binding, with modifications to the PowerBind system including a revised braking system and additional roller. Hydraulic groupers gather the material into a tail to aid with the start and finish.

According to the company, it can handle film rolls up to 1,300mm and offers a range of pre-stretch ratios.

Finally, the RV5200 Plus is now available with the Techno-Pack, which adds crop humidity measuring. A sensor plate is mounted in the lower part of the chamber, with a pair of electrodes which are used to calculate bale moisture up to 50%.

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