Defra updates SFI

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As part of what Defra describes as a ‘steady rollout’ further revisions have been made to the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).

It has updated the SFI terms and conditions to give clearer guidance on how growers can access more actions, including taking out a second agreement. Defra has also introduced new voluntary advice for each SFI action and amended a range of endorsed actions for priority habitats.

It has introduced new capital items to support the SFI agroforestry actions to help protect trees while they are established and grant funding is available for items including tree guards.  A new moorland mapping plan supports better planning to manage environmental features on moorland.

The range of new capital items to the existing offer are;

  • AF1: Plant an agroforestry woodland tree
  • AF2: Plant an agroforestry fruit tree
  • AF3: Supplement: Species diversity bonus
  • TE6: Tree guard (tube and mesh)
  • TE7: Tree guard (wood post and rail)
  • TE8: Tree guard (wood post and wire)
  • PA4: Agroforestry plan
  • PA5: Moorland mapping plan

More detailed information can be found here.

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