29 January 2018 United Utilities launches free pesticides amnesty for farmers United Utilities is helping farmers and landowners dispose of illegal and out of date pesticides…
22 January 2018 Greens welcome investigation into authorisation procedure for glyphosate The European Parliament has today backed a Green proposal for a special committee to investigate…
15 January 2018 Scientists can now predict the effects of climate change on crops Scientists now have a new tool to predict the future effects of climate change on…
14 January 2018 How climate change alters plant growth Global warming affects more than just plant biodiversity – it even alters the way plants…
3 January 2018 Glyphosate boost in US The federal controlled Environmental Protection Agency in the United States has stated that glyphosate, one…
22 December 2017 Knock, Knock! Who’s there? An aphid. You’re kidding me; that’s no aphid – aphids can’t talk. We may not…
11 December 2017 Natural route masters Bumblebees regularly tackle the Travelling Salesman Problem to improve their foraging routes, a skill that…
7 December 2017 Bayer launches transparency website Bayer today launched its new transparency website (https://cropscience-transparency.bayer.com/), designed to enable access to scientific data…
4 December 2017 2018 rodenticide compliance for 11 farm assurance schemes Eleven assurance schemes with combined memberships of 95,000 farm businesses will be compliant with the…
13 November 2017 New environmental protections to deliver a Green Brexit Plans to consult on a new, independent body that would hold Government to account for…