Last call for 2025 RHASS Innovation Awards applications

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Agri-entrepreneurs and businesses from across the country have until Monday 24th March to enter their innovative products into the 2025 RHASS (Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland Innovation Awards).

Previously known as the RHASS Technical Innovation Awards, the name of the awards has been revised in an effort to broaden the scope of the competition beyond technology. The introduction of different categories will also allow the awards to highlight trail-blazing innovations across all sectors within the industry. These categories include; mechanical and engineering, digital and management solutions, and crop and animal feed advancement.

Last year’s winners included AgXeed B.V. & SoilEssentials Ltd., who received a Silver award for their AgBot Autonomous Tractor, a fully autonomous solution that boosts efficiency and supports precision farming. ILivestock also earned a Silver award for their platform that integrates software and hardware to streamline data capture, helping livestock farmers improve productivity and sustainability. Silver Awards are the highest accolade that can be achieved for a first submission of an innovation.

Katy McFadyen, Competitions Executive at RHASS, said: “The Innovation Awards are one of our longest running competitions at RHASS. Since their inception, they have recognised amazingly talented individuals and innovations that have been pivotal to the progression and future of Scotland’s Agricultural Industry and have helped to advance technology and the way the industry operates on a daily basis.

“In acknowledgement of the broad range of innovations present across the sector, the 2025 awards will have a range of categories to allow for a fairer assessment from the judges, so that each innovation can be evaluated fairly based on criteria relevant to its functions. This will include mechanical and engineering, digital and management solutions, and crop and animal feed advancement.”

The new Innovation Award categories are:

Mechanical and Engineering Advancements (Machinery, Robotics and Automatic Solutions)

Digital and Management Solutions (IT and Computing solutions & Livestock and Arable management. Can include but not limited to Apps, Electronics, GPS Software, Farm Software, Livestock and Arable Management)

Crop and Animal Feed Advancement (Chemical or technical advancement within crop production or animal feeds. To include advancement of breeding programmes or innovation to arable crops during their production cycle and enhancement to animal nutrition.

For more information and to submit your entry, visit

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