Nutrition and water the topic for first Bitesize guide

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The Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) and Nuffield Farming Scholarships have partnered to launch new online ‘bitesize’ guides, with support from the Elizabeth Creak Charitable Trust.

The first, ‘Nutrients & water – turning potential pollution into resource efficiencies’ is a 14-page, easy-to-read booklet with practical learning from nine scholars. It highlights actions that can be taken immediately on farm, actions that require planning and other long-term options.

Nuffield Scholar and RASE head of technical development Stephen Briggs said: “This is a topic confronting every farmer, regardless of their sector, geography or individual circumstances, and the Bitesize Guide provides recommendations to help turn a potential problem into positives.”

Rupert Alers-Hankey, director of the Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust said: “It has been a real challenge to extend findings from Nuffield Farming scholars widely into the agri sector. Few farmers are aware of the huge knowledge base that can be accessed via the Nuffield Farming library, and for those who are, finding the time to read large reports may be impractical.

“Nuffield Farming is excited to collaborate with RASE and IFA in this project. This first Bitesize Guide ‘Nutrients & Water: turning pollution into resource efficiencies’ brings together key findings from nine Nuffield Farming reports to give practical advice to farmers – to drive positive change.”

Each section in the Bitesize Guide has a list of recommended actions on-farm, followed by a QR code to access the relevant Nuffield Farming Scholarship report for more information, case studies and discussions.

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