25 April 2018 Research in practice at Warwickshire strategic farm The new AHDB Strategic Farm West, launching on 6 June, will put research into practice…
24 April 2018 Be aware of the take-all risk this season Now is the time to monitor wheat crops for signs of take-all, with information on…
24 April 2018 New chemical approvals provide opportunity for soya beans Controlling pests and diseases in soya beans will now be much easier with the approval…
24 April 2018 Three key steps to effective weed control in a delayed season Although some of the 2018 sugar beet crop is still to be drilled improving weather…
24 April 2018 The good, the bad and their fortuitous differences Researchers have exposed weak spots in a fungal pathogen that wrecks crops by comparing it…
24 April 2018 Farm Safety Partnership sets industry targets to make farming safer The Farm Safety Partnership (FSP) has set a target to reduce the number of farming…
23 April 2018 PGRO sets up its yield challenge to growers as it looks forward to a 10 tonne field bean crop by 2020 “The PGRO Bean Yield Challenge looks towards growing a 10 tonne field bean crop by…
23 April 2018 NIAB focus on variety and plant breeding at cereals 2018 NIAB is celebrating its long history in varieties and seeds with the largest variety demonstration…
23 April 2018 Eyespot Spotted Where Not Expected Eyespot could be lurking in the base of crops growers are being warned. The combination…
23 April 2018 Options for reducing farm ammonia emissions as levels rise A recent article in The Guardian reported a 3.2% rise in ammonia emissions between 2015-2016, following…