Adama Agricultural Solutions UK has released the third episode of its crop protection podcast: aimed at providing UK arable growers with the latest crop protection news and advice, episode three of the ‘ArableAware’ podcast contains a range of topical features, articles and stories including on-farm interviews with farmers and other industry experts as well as Adama’s own fungicide and herbicide specialists.
This latest episode was recorded in the fields of the South Pickenham Estate in Norfolk where Estate Manager, Richard Cobbald, was talking to Adama’s technical herbicide specialist, David Roberts, about how one of the hottest summers for years affected the 2018 harvest and how this has shaped the season ahead.
Conversation soon turns to the hot topic of cabbage stem flea beetle damage in oilseed rape before Richard explains his cover cropping strategy and the benefits it brings.
The new episode also includes the latest black-grass advice, with David Roberts explaining how growers can use different components of cultural and chemical control to reduce the black-grass threat and how these ideas can be carried over into ryegrass and broad-leaved weed control.
In a pre-recorded interview, the new podcast visits Tom Martin, the driving force behind ‘Facetime a Farmer’ who explains how he’s encouraging farmers from across the UK to educate children about our industry.
The podcast concludes with Andy Bailey talking to Richard about the ever-present threat of slugs and the use of metaldehyde and ferric phosphate to control populations before Forage Aid founder, Andrew Ward, discusses how the initiative started and how it has helped farmers through one of the hottest summers for years.
The ArableAware podcast is available via iTunes and Spotify. Alternatively, the latest episode can also be downloaded from Adama’s Precision Crop Protection hub at