Maize under-sowing trials reap 50t/ha with water quality rewards
Maize under-sowing trials at Severn Trent Water’s 2,000ha biogas farm in Nottinghamshire have achieved 50t/ha…
Maize under-sowing trials at Severn Trent Water’s 2,000ha biogas farm in Nottinghamshire have achieved 50t/ha…
Following a successful lobbying campaign, maize breeder Limagrain UK is optimistic that treated maize seed…
Three new forage maize varieties from Limagrain have been added to the 2023-24 BSPB/NIAB Descriptive…
Maize crops can make gains in cob quality and dry matter yield with QuantisTM for…
It was way back in 1969 when the first Amazone sprayer made its debut onto…
More than 60 maize growers and contractors from across the northwest had an insight into…
Krone has launched two new high-end forage harvesters, the BiG X 980 and BiG X…
Nine new varieties have been added to the British Society of Plant Breeder’s 2023 Forage Maize Descriptive Lists (DL),…
Higher maize growing costs coupled with a potential shortfall in silage quantity and quality due…
To help sectors identify areas for improvement and to facilitate positive change, Crop Health and Protection…