Sercadis the most powerful SDHI fungicide, Xemium, can now be used in grapevines for the control of powdery mildew under a new EAMU. Grapevine growers will welcome the superior and long lasting control of this top performing SDHI.
Sercadis contains 300g/l fluxapyroxad (Xemium) and can be applied to wine grapes at a dose rate of 0.15 l/ha to control powdery mildew. Two applications can be made in a year which means that it will fit naturally into a programme with other fungicides with different modes of action as part of an anti-resistance strategy.
It should be used preventatively but has the flexibility of a wide window of usage up until BBCH 83, which is when berries are developing colour. It has a harvest interval of 35 days. It also shows high selectivity to the crop, giving growers peace of mind. Being a liquid, it is easy to use and has a low dose rate. It has 1 hour rainfastness, so can be applied in unpredictable weather.
Xemium has a high reputation for excellent disease control and long lasting effects. In cereals where SDHIs have been used for a number of years, fluxapyroxad has always taken the top slot. So grapevine agronomists can have full confidence in making their recommendations.
For any EAMU, growers should obtain a copy of the notice of
approval via the Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) web site,
ADAS offices or NFU. In the EAMU notice of approval, CRD point out that liability lies with the user and growers are advised to test a small area of crop prior to commercial use.